13 Nov. OF-1 Release 4.3
We are proud to present the maintenance and improvement release 4.3 for OF-1.
OF-1 is the only field proven Low-Code Multi-UI Framework for OpenEdge, where all coding – including for HTML5 UI – is done with OE ABL (OO style). Since 2005 our framework is under constant development and improvement.
There are several improvements, like generating Swagger descriptions for Business Entities, stability and HTML5 performance and the theming (customized look & feel) of widgets and screens is also enhanced greatly.
Below we highlight a few improvements of the latest release: Component Groups, new workflow editor and DMS / Abbyy integration.

Component Groups
The component groups – obviously – group some components, which are one or multiple widgets. You define the group in the UI designer and this group has immediately the basic functionality all components have (CRUD functionality, UI integration and more). You can add some extra functionality, to glue the components together.
These groups act like a smaller version of the subscreens OF-1 has since years. You can use them for repeating tasks, like display address information, report settings and so on.
New editor for workflow engine
We created a new graphical editor for the OF-1 workflow component. This is done with some Kendo UI components and therefore the editor can run in .NET and in HTML5 UI.
The editor combines the workflow nodes (which are classes / states) with the visualization of the workflow. You can arrange and edit the nodes and rules.

DMS package with Abbyy integration
DMS is in a lot of applications a standard feature, but not in all. To help solving this issue, we offer a DMS package since a while. This can be used with OF-1 or like a standalone module in your ERP solution. It offers all standard DMS functionality and runs in .NET and for HTML5 UI.
In the last month we integrated calls to Abbyy Finereader in the system This allows automatic detection of invoice number, addresses, invoice amount and so on. We use this to sort incoming invoices to customers and similar (half) automatic purposes.
If you have questions, need an update or would like to get a demo, please send a mail to or call +49 40 30 68 03 11.
Detailed information about OF-1 could be found here: https://www.iap.de/of-1/
Klaus Erichsen, 16 Nov. 2020